detox programs

Detoxification is the process of eliminating wastes and toxins from the body that have accumulated in the cells, tissues and organs. During the regular course of a person’s life, they amass unwanted toxins from the food, air, water and environment that they live in each day.  In order to off-set the damage that these wastes may do in the body, quite often it is necessary to undergo a detoxification program 1-2 times per year.

Typically, a detox program starts with a diet that is free from toxins and allergens.  It is combined with supplements and herbs that are targeting the elimination organs to get rid of stored toxins while supporting the digestive system. The kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, digestion and lymphatic systems are all involved in eliminating contaminants from the body and will benefit from reducing these molecules.

The Program

There are numerous detoxification protocols on the market today and most doctors will tell you that it is very hard to know which programs work the most efficiently.  However, if only supplements are taken in order to detoxify then the body is not receiving the full benefit of detoxification.  The diet is a very important, if not the MOST important, part of the process of elimination and must be followed in order for the program to be most effective.

We have put together two very effective detox programs for 7 and 28 days. Typically we see patients in our office for an initial nutritional and medical assessment as well as support through the detox programs. If you are in the Santa Barbara area please, contact our office at 805-770-2607 to learn more about our IN-OFFICE detox programs.

7-Day Detox

A simple detoxification program for one week including menu plan, recipes and supplements to speed up metabolism, detoxify your system and kick start weight loss.This plan is made specifically for people who have an active lifestyle and need an easy way to start getting healthy. Cost includes everything you need to complete the detox program with cleansing and supporting supplements, protein shake, day by day guidelines, menu plans and recipes.


28-Day Cleanse

The most comprehensive plan that we have teaches you how to eat healthfully for now and in the future. This program has a daily menu plan with recipes for 28 days for ALL meals, including 2 snacks.

The extensive guidelines in our 28-Day Detox allow you to eat from our menu plan or follow along using your own healthy foods and recipes.

This detox will detoxify your body, boost metabolism and increase your overall health in one month. From April 17-May 15 we are doing a guided cleanse which will include 4 weekly classes plus a private social media page connecting you with the Doctor and other participants for tips and guidance through the month. 

Cost includes everything you need to complete the detox program except recommended supplements. 


* Detox purchased above are solely on-line programs and do NOT include any in-office consultations, injections or other services (unless otherwise indicated).  If you would like to speak to us about other services provided in our office please contact us at 805-770-2607.
